The Truth About Weight Loss (And Why Non-Scale Victories Matter More)

If you’ve ever ridden the emotional roller coaster of obsessing over the scale, you’re not alone!

After nearly 15 years in the fitness industry, our Boston personal training team can assure you that this is a common source of stress for a lot of people.

Here’s what we’d like for you to know…

1️⃣ Your worth as a human being has nothing to do with the number on a scale.

2️⃣ Your scale weight can fluctuate more than the stock market for a variety of reasons (carb & sodium intake, hydration status, sweat, bowel movements or lack thereof, hormones, and more) 

What we’ve found is that redefining what health and progress means to you can make exercise and nutrition more enjoyable by eliminating the undue stress.

Beyond just weight loss, waking up with more energy, experiencing less pain, moving better, and feeling stronger and more confident are forms of progress that should be celebrated.

Our personal training team always has a primary goal of helping our clients feel AUMazing by following a holistic approach that both rebalances your body and promotes a healthy mindset.

Feeling energetic and vibrant should always be priority #1.

Also, setting goals unrelated to weight (aka achieving your first chin-up, running a 5k, etc) and working towards them can empower you to do things you’ve never done before…which is exciting!

With that said, we understand that many people want to see changes in their body first and foremost so…

If your primary goal is to “tone up” and drop a few pant sizes to fit into your favorite clothes, your real aim is to improve your body composition=changing your ratio of fat mass to lean mass.

Although a pound of muscle weighs the same as a pound of fat (a pound is a pound), muscle is denser than fat=takes up less space.  That’s why getting stronger and building muscle is always a smart approach when you’d like to trim up and fit into you…

Although a pound of muscle weighs the same as a pound of fat (a pound is a pound), muscle is denser than fat=takes up less space. That’s why getting stronger and building muscle is always a smart approach when you’d like to trim up and fit into your favorite clothes.

Stepping onto the scale and seeing a number is limiting since weight doesn’t tell you anything about what you’re made of (i.e. muscle, fat, etc). 

Which is why, instead of relying on the scale to track our clients’ physical progress, we use a device called a BIA which, in than 30 seconds, tells us with precision your body’s balance of muscle, water, and fat. 

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This allows our Boston personal trainers to design a fitness routine and meal plan that is truly customized to you.

With a detailed report, we can see how your body is changing and what adjustments you might need to make over time to ensure you reach your goals.

We include monthly body composition monitoring with all of our personal training memberships to help you stay motivated and on track.

If you’d like to learn more about having your body composition done, send us a message and one of our Boston personal trainers will reach out to schedule a time for you to come in for a complimentary fitness consultation:

We hope this post helps.  Please share it with anyone who’d benefit.

And remember - you’re more than a number . . . you’re AUMazing!

-Coach Chris