Want Stronger Arms?  Try These 3 AUMazing Exercises


If your goal is to build stronger arms, the primary focus of your training should be on compound moves like deadlifts, chin-ups, farmer carries, presses, and rows.

But, if you have limited access to equipment to do those big movement patterns, here is a great arm workout you can do with just a resistance band and couple of dumbbells.

Here’s what to do:

💪🏽 Resistance Band Front Raise with Rear Delt Fly x 12 reps

💪🏽 Alternating Iso Hold Dumbbell Curls x 12 reps

💪🏽 Stability Ball DB Tricep Extensions x 12 reps

Take a short rest, then do 10 reps of each exercise. 

Rest 1 minute.

Then 8 reps. 💪🏼

Always aim to maintain great form.

Tag a friend below ⬇️⬇️ who’s looking for some challenging, new arm exercises.

Have fun!

-Coach Chris